New Media Phone
You will love what you see once you do
designed to fill your needs
Life is easier on an Andam8+
Enjoy the power of instant boot that leads to a user-friendly access to all your favourite social and interactive media applications.
Build to last
Your ANDAM 8+ is built with engineering precision that makes it durable and fashionable. We designed the ANDAM 8+ for an everlasting user experience that is unmatched.
What makes Andam 8+ so fast?
Our Chips are designed by top industry specialist and are engineered to perform at maximum speeds while processing your requests for information with the least resources through the motherboard. This engineering marvel is our ingredient for keeping the motherboard in our device cool and resulting in a long-lasting battery life.
No matter where you are located, we have 24/7 support over our products to assist you with your needs. You can take full advantage of our online communities and partners forums to learn more about your ANDAM 8+. We also offer a direct device to support application called VUETALKER to give you flexibility in your communications with WorldVuer for your support needs.
Transform the way you live through our products.
We are your modern media provider for all your entertainment needs.
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